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Nhan Huynh

Construction Administration Manager


  • Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Texas A&M University, 2021

Nhan Huynh

Nhan embarked on a journey, first serving in the military before returning to school and discovering the captivating realm of Landscape Architecture. In his current role, Nhan serves as a key player for the construction administration team by bridging the coordination between contractors and subcontractors. Engaging in frequent site visits and inspections, he navigates the complexities of a project by addressing RFIs and submittals, ensuring the quality from design intent to accurate execution.

The most exciting part of my role is being one of the first to witness the tangible results of the team’s design work being built and brought to life.”

Nhan Huynh

Fun Facts

  • Loves spending time with his pup, Olivia!
  • Enjoys hanging out with friends and eating good food.
  • Cheers for the Aggies, no matter the sport.