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Multi-Family The Oleanders at Broadway

Project Description

Sustainable Affordable Housing

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ike’s devastation in 2008, The Oleanders at Broadway stands as a symbol of renewal and resilience for Galveston, Texas. Located on a barrier island vulnerable to severe weather, this $120 million mixed-income housing development redefines sustainable design while addressing critical infrastructure challenges. Spanning five city blocks, the 11-acre development features 348 units, including public housing replacement units, low-income tax credit units, and market-rate apartments. Designed to achieve Energy Star and Enterprise Green Communities certifications, the project incorporates sustainable practices to mitigate flooding and manage stormwater on-site.

The Oleanders at Broadway offers outdoor amenities that enhance community well-being. Residents will enjoy a swimming pool, a park, and a playground within thoughtfully designed green spaces. These areas not only create opportunities for recreation but also contribute to the project’s mission to encourage outdoor engagement.

Project Highlights

Client:McCormack Baron Salazar
Location:Galveston, TX
Size:348 Units
Outdoor Amenities:Sustainable stormwater features, resort style pool, park, and playground

Innovative Stormwater Management

At the Oleanders at Broadway, 100% of stormwater is captured, stored, and infiltrated directly into the native sandy soils using a combination of bioretention areas, bioswales, and permeable pavers. This integrated system prevents 500,200 cubic feet of water—equivalent to six Olympic-size swimming pools—from leaving the site. By eliminating runoff, the design not only reduces the risk of flooding but also protects the Gulf and local waterways from pollution, highlighting a sustainable approach to stormwater management.

Supporting Riparian Habitat

The stormwater management strategies at The Oleander at Broadway are designed to protect and benefit Galveston’s riparian ecosystems in multiple ways. Most importantly, they remove pollutants from stormwater runoff. By creating bioswales and biodetention systems planted with diverse species, rainfall carrying contaminants is directed into these systems, where filtration, adsorption, and biological conversion processes cleanse the water before it infiltrates into the water table.

Plant & Materials Palette

Shaping the Outdoor Experience


Bald Cypress

Taxodium distichum


Mexican Fan Palm

Washington robusta

Medium Grass

Gulf Muhly

Muhlenbergia Capillaris


Foxtail Fern

Asparagus Meyeri


Butterfly Iris

Dietes iridioides


Asian Jasmine

Trachelospermum asiaticum

Project Team

The Urban Lifestyle Studio at KW brings together a wealth of knowledge and expertise spanning various fields, including Design, Project Management, and Construction Administration. Together, our team Builds the Exceptional by assessing how each phase influences the entirety of the project allowing us to authentically connect people to their environment.

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Travis Triola

Director of Urban Lifestyle

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Bradley Pointon

Construction Administration Executive